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"We are proud to be the publisher of Donna’s book, I Never Walk the Halls Alone. I highly recommend this book and recommend Donna just as highly. I know her to be a real woman of God. Since she is blessed, I believe anyone who participates in her ministry by reading her book will also be blessed."
Reg A. Forder, American Christian Writers
"Donna does a great job of telling the captivating stories that God has given to her. It is clear that her eyes are open to God at work in her world. She goes to His Word to know Him so that she can recognize His fingerprints all around her. This combination should inspire us all to do the same."
Beth Boling, Church Counselor
"Donna Kincheloe shares healing stories of God’s love for her and her critical care patients before, during and after duty hours. Several incidents surprise us with ending moments similar to those within Paul Harvey’s “rest of the story” happenings. God’s actions through Donna gently urge us to extend our faith into new situations and beyond."
Robert N. Brite, Author
"I have just read the book and could not put it down. Donna’s stories are heart-warming, uplifting, and very encouraging. It makes you realize that everything is in God’s hands and we all need to give ourselves to Him. We should all live our lives as if this is our last day and treat everyone with the love and respect that they deserve. This is a must read book!"
Mary Riley
"As the editor of Donna’s new book, I constantly found myself distracted from looking for misspelled words or commas in the wrong place and simply became an inspired and encouraged reader. So, if you find some errors, my apologies. It was a very difficult book to edit because it was such an engaging book to read."
Jim Watkins, Editorial Advisor, ACW Press
PO Box 221
Newburgh, IN 47629